
2017年12月11日 当館スタッフが箕面市にあります関西学院千里国際中等部・高等部へ訪問し、カンボディアの子供達、教育状況に関する講演を致しました。
The staff of the Honorary Consulate gave a lecture about Education in Cambodia to the junior high school students of Senri & Osaka International Schools of Kwansei Gakuin. The staff explained the brief history of Cambodia, its culture and customs and the education system and structural problems in Cambodia.
In the audience were around 70 Grade 7 students (12 to 13 years old). This school had donated sufficient funds to build a school in Cambodia, and they have been helping that school ever since it was built. At the Q&A session, a lot of students had questions, and the staff of the Honorary Consulate answered these properly, by reference to the case studies, and the experiences in Cambodia, who had previously studied in Cambodia. The students learnt about Cambodia and had their interest in Cambodia stimulated. The staff of the Honorary Consulate, was willing to hold this kind of teaching session here in order to provide more information about Cambodia to the students of Senri & Osaka International Schools of Kwansei Gakuin. The students who attended this session will have the lecture of their seniors who visited Cambodia for study tour. We, the honorary consulate of the kingdom of Cambodia hope the students learn more about Cambodia.
Picture: Students who attended this lecture