
On 12 November 2022, the logo to commemorate the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Cambodia in 2023, was officially unveiled by both prime ministers of Japan and Cambodia at the Japan-Cambodia Summit meeting.
The logo was designed by a Cambodian student, with the digit ‘7’ inspired by the colours of the Cambodia national flag and the unique roof design called Jahva, commonly found in buddhist temples, palaces, and schools in Cambodia. The digit ‘0’ was designed with the red Hinomaru of the Japanese flag, and featured a branch of cherry blossom flowers, the national flower of Japan. In order to symbolize both countries, motifs of the national flower of Cambodia (“Rumduol”) and Japan (“Sakura”) were also incorporated into the logo.
- 日本外務省 Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/s_sa/sea1/kh/page23_004056.html