カンボジアへの入国制限の改定について(2022年3月17日発効)Revision to Cambodia’s Entry Requirement (Effective from 17 March 2022)

- カンボジアへの出発72時間以内のPCR検査陰性証明書の提出が必要なくなりました。
- カンボジア到着時の抗原検査が実施されなくなりました。
- 2回ワクチン接種済の方(最終接種から2週間以上経過の必要あり)は、従来通り接種された地方自治体発行の接種証明書(英文・紙コピー)をご提出いただくと、隔離免除となります。
ワクチン2回未接種の方は、カンボジア政府指定のホテルにて7日間の隔離と2,000米ドルのデポジットが必要となります。カンボジア政府承認のASQ隔離ホテル(現在はプノンペンのみ)の事前予約は可能です。- アライバルビザ(カンボジア入国時:空港等で申請するビザ)の発給が再開されます。
- 新型コロナ対応の医療保険の加入は、推奨されております。
The Ministry of Health of Cambodia has announced the revision of the entry restrictions.
The main points are as follows:
- A negative PCR test certificate within 72 hours of departure to Cambodia is no longer required.
- Antigen testing upon arrival in Cambodia is no longer required.
- Travellers who have been vaccinated twice (with more than two weeks from last vaccination), are exempted from quarantine if they have Proof of Vaccination certificate (must be in English and in paper copy) issued by the local municipal office.
Travellers, who are unvaccinated, are required to undergo 7-day quarantine at government-designated hotel and place deposit of USD2,000.Unvaccinated travellers can also choose to pre-book and quarantine at any of the government-recognized ASQ hotels (Phnom Penh only).- Resumption of “Arrival Visa” application.
- Purchase of medical insurance covering COVID-19 is not compulsory but recommended
- Regarding point (1), while the requirement to present a negative PCR test certificate upon entry into Cambodia has been eliminated, test certificate may be requested at the country for flight transit to Cambodia. Kindly contact your airline for confirmation on this.
- Regarding point (6), for business visa application at point of entry in Cambodia, additional supporting documents may be requested. Preparation of the supporting documents for submission is recommended.
The announcement also stated that “the submission of a negative PCR test certificate and antigen test upon arrival will be eliminated, but the Cambodian government would like travelers to conduct their own antigen test to confirm that they are not infected with the coronavirus.”