
On the 3rd of November, 2016 a Cultural Festival was held at the Autonomy Hall of Koryo-cho Kita-ku Kobe, commonly known as the Pavilion. The Pavilion was of Cambodia’s in Expo’70 held in Osaka, and was relocated to Koryo-cho. Even after 45 years, it is loved and cared by the community.
(パビリオン外観/The appearance of the Pavilion)
Many attended the Festival including the people of the community, professors from the Faculty of Architecture of a University in Cambodia, Cambodian students studying in the Kansai area and staffs from the Honorary Consulate of Cambodia in Osaka. The Pavilion turned into an exhibition, displaying pictures drawn by orphans in Cambodia and information posters about the country, along with arts and works of the children in the community. It showed the strong connection between Koryo-cho and Cambodia. ‘We were delighted to see the traditional building of Cambodia being cherished.’ one Cambodian student commented.
(孤児院の子供が描いた絵/The drawings by the orphans of Cambodia)
As the Pavilion is an important cultural property of the Expo, and is now a symbol of friendship between the two countries needed to be passed on to the future, it is decided to be repaired. The work is due to complete in 2020. The Honorary Consulate had also been demanding for repairment, so we are grateful for the project to be confirmed.
(左から広陵町自治会長、建築学部の教授2名、在大阪カンボジア王国名誉領事館スタッフ、九州大学助教授、スタッフ/From left: The President of the resident’s association, The Professors from Cambodia, Consulate Staff, An assistant Professor from Kyushu University, Staff)