ピザハット・カンボジア初上陸!Arrival of Pizza Hut in Cambodia!

(Article in English follows after Japanese)
Pizza Hut parlour in Phnom Penh with its Khmer-inspired facade. Photo Credit: Pizza Hut Cambodia Facebook
現在カンボジアでは、タイ最大のピザチェーン店「ザ・ピザ・カンパニー」が2005年の7月のオープン以来人気を博しており、他にもアメリカの「ドミノピザ」(2014年12月にオープン)、シンガポールの「ペッツォピザ」(2018年5月にオープン)、フィリピンの「イェローカブピザ」(2020年1月にオープン)、アメリカの「パパジョーンズ」(2021年3月にオープン)、日本とベトナムの「ピザ 4P’s」(2021年7月にオープン)等が続々と開店しています。これだけたくさんの選択肢があると、どこのピザにするか、迷ってしまいますね!
- ピザの周りの生地(「ピザの耳」)は、イタリアで「コルニチョーネ」という正式名がある。
- 「ハワイアン・ピザ」はハワイではなく、カナダが発祥。
On August 12th, the first Pizza Hut in Cambodia opened near the Russian Market. As pizza is slowly becoming more popular in Cambodia, Pizza Hut plans to gain a bigger slice of the Pizza market by opening another 30 locations over the next couple of years. As disposable income in Cambodia has been rapidly increasing, more people have been looking for places to eat outside.
Currently, The Pizza Company, a Thailand-based pizza franchise that first opened in Cambodia in July 2005 is one of the leading pizza franchises in Cambodia. Others include US-based Domino’s Pizza (opened in December 2014), Singapore-based Pezzo Pizza (opened in May 2018), Philippines-based Yellow Cab Pizza (first opened January 2020), US-based Papa John’s Pizza (opened in March 2021), and Japanese and Vietnam based Pizza 4P’s (opened in July 2021). Which pizza franchise would you like to order from?
Here in Japan, Domino’s Pizza is the most popular pizza brand, according to a market research done in 2020. Second and third being Pizza-La and Pizza Hut respectively. International food chain stores usually add local-flavoured products to their menu. In Japan, we have Teriyaki Chicken with Mayo-flavoured pizza and Marinated Pollock Roe pizza, but what about Cambodia? Are you looking forward to finding out what kind of local Khmer toppings they would use too?!
Fun Facts about Pizza:
- Pizza crusts are actually called Cornicione in Italy.
- “Hawaiian Pizza” originated in Canada.
参考文献・References :
- Deniro’s Pizza, “36 Amazing Facts You Didn’t Know About Pizza”, https://denirospizza.com/36-amazing-facts-you-didnt-know-about-pizza/
- I Sheep, “ピザデリバリーの歴史 シェア1位の移り変わり”, https://i-sheep.jp/blog/pizzadelivery_history/
- Khmer Times, “US’s Pizza Hut to Debut in Cambodia this month”, https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50909353/uss-pizza-hut-to-debut-in-cambodia-this-month/
- Live Japan Perfect Guide, “驚きのメニューが勢ぞろい! 日本独自のピザの世界”, https://livejapan.com/ja/in-tokyo/in-pref-tokyo/in-akihabara/article-a0001054/
- The Phnom Penh Post, “Pizza Hut set to open shop later this month” https://www.phnompenhpost.com/business/pizza-hut-set-open-shop-later-month
- Yahoo Finance, “Pizza Hut International Debuts in Cambodia with Ambitious Plans to Deliver World-Class Experience to the Growing Pizza Eating Culture”, https://finance.yahoo.com/news/pizza-hut-international-debuts-cambodia-020000957.html