What’s On? In カンボジア CambodiaInternational Beer Day・世界ビールデー

Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons
本日8月6日(金)は「世界ビールデー(International Beer Day)」です。世界ビールデーは、ビール産業に関わる人々に感謝する日です。2007年以降、日本とカンボジアを含めた80カ国で、毎年8月の第一金曜日に友達や家族が集まってビールを飲んでお祝いしています。なんだか楽しそうですね!
カンボジアには数多くのビールブランドあります。その中でもとりわけ地元の人や観光客に人気なのが、「アンコールビール(Angkor Beer) 」と「カンボジアビール (Cambodia Beer)」です。どちらのブランドのビールもアルコール度数が5%で、値段は87円程度となっています。
Today, 6th August (Fri.) is International Beer Day. Founded in 2007, International Beer Day celebrates the people who brew or serve beer on the first Friday of August by gathering with family and friends to drink beer. Sounds like fun doesn’t it!?
International Beer Day is celebrated in Cambodia as well. Cambodia is known for its variety in beer brands, amongst the most popular is “Angkor Beer” along with “Cambodia Beer”. Both brands have 5% ABV and cost roughly $0.8 (~\87).
Did You Know?
“Cambodia Beer” used to have a lottery on their ring pull tabs! You could win a free beer by drinking beer! The prizes ranged from a free drink to a Porsche Macan. The winner of the Porsche Macan was given his prize on live TV, driving their sales up even more! What a great idea!
- Wikipedia Commons, “Angkor and Cambodia beer”, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Angkor_and_Cambodia_beer.JPG
- Cambodia News English “Don’t Fret! Cambodia Beer Ring Pull Prizes Still Valid”, 13 December 2019, https://cne.wtf/2019/12/13/dont-fret-cambodia-beer-ring-pull-prizes-still-valid/