国際看護師の日 ー 看護師たちへ敬意
International Nurses’ Day – A Salute To All Nurses










Today is International Nurses’ Day!

Although International Nurses’ Day has nothing to do with our Honorary Consulate, we know that nurses in Cambodia, Japan, and the rest of the world are facing a great challenge in their work these days, as they deal with the rising Covid-19 variant infection cases.


During the pandemic, as front-liners, nurses face high risks of Covid-19 infection through contact with patients. They are also subjected to stress and burnout as they work tirelessly to take care of Covid-19 patients and under a nurse-shortage situation in some places. Nurses are not only fighting Covid-19, but also discrimination or prejudice from the public amid any outbreak of Covid-19.


The contributions to the society by nurses deserve to be recognized and appreciated more.


Hence, to all nurses, whether in Cambodia, Japan or anywhere in the world, we salute you!



  • 公益社団法人日本看護協会, https://www.nurse.or.jp/nursing/international/icn/katsudo/kangonohi.html
  • Wikipedia, 「国際看護師の日」, https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/国際看護師の日