‘Tis The Season Of Giving「善を行う季節」

現在当館では、「Buy A Book, Give A Book」のキャンペーン中で、2種類の本、「旅の指さし会話帳・カンボジア語」(1,700円 税込)と「幻都バンティアイ・チュマ―ルの神々 写真集」(3,000円 税込)を販売しております。一冊につき1,000円をカンボジアの2つの子ども慈善団体、「Cambodian Children’s Fund」と「グローブジャングル・くっくま孤児院」へ寄付させて頂きます。
是非「Buy A Book, Give A Book」キャンペーンへのご参加をよろしくお願い致します!
Another three more weeks to go before Christmas arrives!
Are you still racking your brains on what to buy for Christmas presents?
If so, how about some Cambodia-related books as presents for your loved ones then?
As part of our “Buy A Book, Give A Book” charity campaign, we are selling the following two books at our Honorary Consulate Osaka office ー “The Original Point-And-Speak Khmer Phrasebook” (JPY1,700 tax included) and “The Face Towers of Banteay Chmar Photobook” (JPY3,000 tax included). For every book purchase, we will donate JPY1,000 to two children charities in Cambodia ー “Cambodian Children’s Fund” and “Globe Jungle/CCMA (Cambodia’s Children Make The Heaven Association)”.
As you may know, Christmas is the Season of Giving. With your kind purchase of the books as Christmas gifts, you are doing a good deed of bringing happiness to the impoverished children in Cambodia at the same time!
Hence, we look forward to your kind support to our “Buy A Book, Give A Book” campaign!
※For any further inquiries on the book purchase, please contact us via phone (06-6376-2305), or email (meiyoryojikan@cambodia-osaka.com).