コロナ下でのカンボジアへの渡航について (更新)Travelling to Cambodia During Covid-19 (Revised)

「隔離期間の第13日目に、2回目のPCR検査を受けなければなりません。(カンボジア到着日が第1日目 0日目となります)」
This is to inform of the below change and PDF document has been updated accordingly.
“Undertake a second PCR test on the 13th day of quarantine period (Arrival date in Cambodia is counted as Day 1 Day 0)”
- Travelling to Cambodia During Covid-19 (和文)_30102020
- Travelling to Cambodia During Covid 19 (English)_30102020
Photo credit: Megson FitzPatrick
Don’t get us wrong but travelling to Cambodia for sightseeing is still not possible. Hence, the following information that we are going to provide is for Foreign Business Travellers to Cambodia only. We understand how some of you might be feeling frustrated over the frequent changes to entry requirement, and perhaps get confused over the accuracy of the information received. That’s why we are here to provide some important Dos & Don’ts and tips that may be able to help make your business trip to Cambodia a smooth and trouble-free one.